- Poor skin health – Water plumps skin cells to make your skin look brighter, vibrant, and more youthful. So, the lack of it will only cause your skin to lose its plumpness and elasticity, which will lead to dryness, flakiness, fine lines, wrinkles, and saggy skin. Plus, water can clear any skin problem, as it flushes harmful toxins from the body.
- Sugar cravings – Dehydration can interfere with the body’s ability to reach its glucose storage for energy, which triggers cravings for foods high in sugar and carbohydrates. Unusual cravings for foods high in sugar such as chocolate, donuts, cookies, and candies only indicate that your body needs water, not necessarily food. If you’ve just eaten something sweet and you feel like you want more, you might only need to rehydrate your body.
Friday, August 25, 2023
Link: https://x-i.me/infectd2
Friday, August 18, 2023
Possible reasons
- Weakened immunity – Patients with obesity (and other associated risk diseases like diabetes) generally suffer from weakened innate and adaptive immunity, which makes them more susceptible to infections.
- Overactive immune response – Obesity is a chronic inflammatory state, that causes a person’s body to produce too much cytokine, those molecules that communicate and regulate the immune system. Even more, COVID-19 infections also trigger the release of cytokines. These two combined can only lead to a massive excess of cytokine in the body, which is also called “a cytokine storm”, that can cause damage to multiple body organs. As Dr. Aminian explains, this is why patients with obesity experience such severe responses with Covid-19.
- Cardiovascular risks – Patients with obesity have underlying cardiovascular diseases, that comes with many associated risks, like diabetes and hypertension. All these combined can contribute to difficulties stemming from a COVID-19 infection.
- Increased risk of blood clots – Patients who are obese or overweight present a higher risk of suffering from blood clots, which is a condition that’s also associated with Covid-19. Dr Aminian comes to our rescue again with an explanation: “Covid-19 damages the endothelium(the cellular lining of blood vessels). Autopsies have shown that blood clots and widespread severe endothelial damage can be two of the causes of increased mortality in a lot of patients who contract Covid-19.”
- Damaged pulmonary system – Obesity damages the mechanics of both the chest wall and diaphragm, which makes the patients vulnerable to other lung conditions, like sleep apnea, asthma, and obesity hypoventilation syndrome. These issues can only be aggravated by other known pulmonary issues that come with Covid-19 infections.
Link: https://x-i.me/infectd2
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- Abdominal pain – You might be suffering from tummy aches or belly bloat. Either way, abdominal pain is the number one non-injury reason in cases of adult emergency room visits. The pain can have various factors, from gas or a pulled muscle to the stomach flu or more serious conditions, such as appendicitis or urinary tract infections. If you’re experiencing intense localized pain in the right lower part of your abdomen or your right upper region, you should be worried about your appendix or gallbladder, in which case you need to head to the ER right away.
- Chest pain – Heart attacks are the number one killer for both American men and women. By knowing this, it’s no surprise that any sudden chest pain is scary and represents one of the leading causes of emergency room visits for adults. If you’re experiencing chest pain, but also shortness of breath, decreased activity tolerance, and sweating, you should consider heading to the ER. This is not a situation where you can simply go for a walk-in or urgent care clinic, as any situation related to cardiac issues is for the ER.
- Infection – Infection can mean many things: it can be a simple infected skin wound or a kidney infection. The majority of infections are viral, which means that they won’t respond to antibiotics and can be treated at home. The important thing is to look at the severity of the symptoms because the more severe infections can lead to sepsis (infection throughout the body), pneumonia, meningitis, and a weakened immune system. You should head to the ER if you feel confusion, lethargy, low blood pressure, or inability to tolerate any oral fluids.
- Blood in your stool or urine – Blood should never be found in your stool or urine. If you see it in either situation, it’s important to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. Blood in the urine can be caused by an infection, like a urinary tract or kidney infection. But when it comes to stool, although it’s often benign, it can also be a sign of something very dangerous. You should immediately rush to the ER if you notice large quantities of blood in your stool or urine, and also if you experience other added symptoms, such as fever, rash, or fatigue.
- Difficulty breathing – Shortness of breath is one of the most common reasons for ER visits. The most common causes are asthma, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). In this case, we’re not going to give you any other explanations besides this: If you can’t breathe, you should definitely go to the ER.
- Cuts bumps & falls – You might have suffered an accident while chopping onions or you may have misstepped off your deck. But you should head to the ER if what’s supposed to be on the inside is on the outside. By that, we mean if you can see muscles, tendons, or bones, you’ll need more than just a BandAid.
- Vomiting – Vomiting is a common symptom for various conditions. It could be from a poorly cooked meal, or from viral gastroenteritis. Although usually this symptom can be managed at home, if there’s blood in the vomit, significant stomach pain, or dark green bilious vomit, you should rush to the ER.
- Fever – Fever is usually our body’s way of telling us that we are ill. Actually, it’s a healthy sign that shows that our body is responding to an infection. But if the fever is accompanied by extreme lethargy or other symptoms of infection, you should head to the ER.
- Loss of function – If you’re experiencing numbness in your legs, slack facial muscles, and a loss of bowel control, it’s a sign that a certain part of your body has stopped working. You should definitely rush into the ER.
Link: https://x-i.me/infectd2
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Link: https://x-i.me/infectd2
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Wednesday, August 16, 2023
1. Magnesium
Magnesium is an important mineral that helps the overall body function. In conformity with several studies, this mineral can help stimulate the production of nitric oxide, which is a molecule that is responsible for relaxing the blood vessels.
Besides that, magnesium can help combat depression, promote heart health, help by stabilizing healthy blood sugar levels, improve mood swings, and can even help avoid migraines.
If these reasons for consuming magnesium haven’t convinced you already, there are a few studies that might do it. For example, a review of 11 studies showed that people who were diagnosed with chronic health conditions consumed magnesium in proportions of 365–450 mg per day for an average period of 3 to 4 months. By doing so, they have managed to significantly reduce their blood pressure.
Moreover, another review of 10 studies showed that every 100-mg of magnesium taken in a day was related to a 5% cutback of high blood pressure possibility.
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Monday, August 14, 2023
Nomination Link: https://x-i.me/infectd2
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Wednesday, August 9, 2023
In general, children are more likely to develop eczema on their face, but it can appear on hands, feet or other parts of the body as well. According to some recent studies, atopic dermatitis is more likely to be found in people with allergies, although allergies don’t cause eczema.
Medical experts say that eczema is a chronic disease, which means that it will continue to occur again and again for a long time. Anyhow, your dermatologist will prescribe you the right treatment to reduce the symptoms. The most common symptoms of eczema include dry and red skin, itching, cracked and sensitive skin.
Visit: https://infectious-diseases-conferences.pencis.com/
#dermatitis #atopicdermatitis #dermatitisatopica #seborrheicdermatitis #dermatitisatopik #contactdermatitis #perioraldermatitis #dermatitisseborreica #atopijskidermatitis #dermatitisherpetiformis #neurodermatitis #dermatitisdelpañal #pododermatitis #allergiccontactdermatitis #atopischedermatitis #perioraledermatitis #phytophotodermatitis #sebhorreicdermatitis #dermatitisrelief #handdermatitis #dermatitisseboroik #allergicdermatitis #photodermatitis #dermatitisawareness #sebborheicdermatitis #dermatitispañal #dermatitiseczema
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Visit: https://infectious-diseases-conferences.pencis.com/
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If you didn’t know this before, there is a fungal infection that can affect your feet and the worst thing is that anyone can develop it because it is contagious. To be more specific, the athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) is a fungal infection that can occur between your toes. People who have sweaty feet are more likely to develop this skin disease, as already mentioned, it is also contagious, which means that you can contract the bacteria via towels, shoes or floors.
If your feet are itchy and you have a sensation of burning or stinging between your toes, it may be a sign that you suffer from athlete’s foot. However, the best part is that this skin disorder can be treated with over the counter antifungal meds, but your doctor may prescribe the right treatment for you.
Visit: https://infectious-diseases-conferences.pencis.com/
#skinproblems #skincare #skin #acne #skincaretips #skincareroutine #skincareproducts #healthyskin #beauty #skinproblem #acnetreatment #glowingskin #skinproducts #skinhealth #dermatologist #whitening #scars #skintreatment #love #eczema #blackhead #care #beautyproducts #antioxidants #babyskin #antiaging #dermatology #unevenskintone #baby #antioxidant

Rosacea is a chronic skin disorder that causes redness and prominent blood vessels in your face. Rosacea is often mistaken for acne. This skin condition is common in women over the age of thirty with light skin, but this is not a rule, because there are men that can be affected as well, but to a lesser extent.
Sadly, being a chronic disease, rosacea can’t be completely cured, but you can control it with the right treatment. Your dermatologist will prescribe you an appropriate treatment to reduce the symptoms.
The most common symptoms of rosacea include facial redness, swollen red bumps, eye problems (also known as ocular rosacea – dry, irritated, red eyes), and enlarged nose (this symptom is commonly found in men).
Researchers say that the causes of rosacea are still unknown, but they believe that it could be genetically inherited. Anyone can develop rosacea, but women who have light skin and have suffered from sunburn in the past, are over the age of thirty, smoke and have parents with rosacea are more likely to develop this skin condition in the long run.
That being said, it’s important to remember that this skin disorder isn’t life threatening, but it can be really uncomfortable. “It’s not dangerous, but it can be uncomfortable,” confirms Laura Ferris, MD, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and director of clinical trials for UPMC Department of Dermatology.
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