Friday, August 25, 2023


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Friday, August 18, 2023

Possible reasons

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#autoimmunedisease #disease #celiacdisease #crohnsdisease #lymedisease #heartdisease #raredisease #coeliacdisease #hashimotosdisease #kidneydisease #chronicdisease #lymediseaseawareness #parkinsonsdisease #thyroiddisease #diseases #invisibledisease #diseaseprevention #rarediseaseday #gravesdisease #inflammatoryboweldisease #degenerativediscdisease #alzheimersdisease #addisonsdisease #diseasefree_with_trueworship #rarediseases #heartdiseaseawareness #autoimmunediseases #liverdisease #sicklecelldisease #lungdisease #hanahakidisease #gumdisease #mitochondrialdisease #chronsdisease #infectiousdisease #chroniclymedisease #chronickidneydisease #huntingtonsdisease #rarediseaseawareness #congenitalheartdisease

#lungs #wiederholungsbedarf #kalungsurabaya #kalungshourouk #kalungsingle #kühlungsborn #kalungsilver #nebelungsofinstagram #maryinmylungs #kalungsalib #kalungstatement #cblungset #kalungset #ironlungs #kalungswarovski #oplungsamsung #kalungstainless #lungsjustfilthy #mylungslikeclouds #kalungsimple #spoiledlungs #blacklungs #empfehlungsmarketing #healthylungs #kalungsolo #kalungsalibmurah #lungslikekirby #kalungsemarang #kalungsecond #lungsofsteel #wiederholungsbedarf #charlungs #vorstellungsgespräch #babylungs #danklungs #selbstheilungskräfte #lungshantemple #ausstellungseröffnung #lungset #vorstellungsrunde

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

1. Magnesium

Magnesium is an important mineral that helps the overall body function. In conformity with several studies, this mineral can help stimulate the production of nitric oxide, which is a molecule that is responsible for relaxing the blood vessels.

Besides that, magnesium can help combat depression, promote heart health, help by stabilizing healthy blood sugar levels, improve mood swings, and can even help avoid migraines.

If these reasons for consuming magnesium haven’t convinced you already, there are a few studies that might do it. For example, a review of 11 studies showed that people who were diagnosed with chronic health conditions consumed magnesium in proportions of 365–450 mg per day for an average period of 3 to 4 months. By doing so, they have managed to significantly reduce their blood pressure.

Moreover, another review of 10 studies showed that every 100-mg of magnesium taken in a day was related to a 5% cutback of high blood pressure possibility.

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Monday, August 14, 2023

Nomination Link:

#lungs #wiederholungsbedarf #kalungsurabaya #kalungshourouk #kalungsingle #kühlungsborn #kalungsilver #nebelungsofinstagram #maryinmylungs #kalungsalib #kalungstatement #cblungset #kalungset #ironlungs #kalungswarovski #oplungsamsung #kalungstainless #lungsjustfilthy #mylungslikeclouds #kalungsimple #spoiledlungs #blacklungs #empfehlungsmarketing #healthylungs #kalungsolo #kalungsalibmurah #lungslikekirby #kalungsemarang #kalungsecond #lungsofsteel 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a skin condition that makes your skin red and itchy and is also one of the most common forms of eczema found in children. However, this skin disorder can be seen in people of all ages. Unfortunately, the exact factors that can cause this skin disease are still unknown, but some medical experts believe that it may be a genetically inherited condition, the environment or other conditions that affect the immune system as well.

In general, children are more likely to develop eczema on their face, but it can appear on hands, feet or other parts of the body as well. According to some recent studies, atopic dermatitis is more likely to be found in people with allergies, although allergies don’t cause eczema.

Medical experts say that eczema is a chronic disease, which means that it will continue to occur again and again for a long time. Anyhow, your dermatologist will prescribe you the right treatment to reduce the symptoms. The most common symptoms of eczema include dry and red skin, itching, cracked and sensitive skin.


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Acne vulgaris is a skin condition that can be found in people of all ages, causing anxiety among teenagers. So, acne occurs when your skin pores become plugged with oil and dead skin cells, causing blackheads, cysts, nodules, pimples, inflammation, or infection. As many of you probably know, your dermatologist may prescribe you an effective treatment for acne, but in many cases, this condition can be persistent.

However, many teenagers don’t understand the severity of this problem and try various skin care products, treatments or natural homemade products recommended by online influencers, instead of consulting a dermatologist. Unfortunately, these actions can lead to serious problems that make their acne worse. Some inappropriate treatments can burn your skin and cause deep wounds that will leave scars over time. So, don’t try on your skin what you see on social media even though they are recommended for people with acne, because your dermatologist is the only one who can give you the right treatment, preventing complications.

Acne can also occur in other parts of the body, such as the back, shoulders and chest. This condition is more likely to occur in areas of the body where sweat is present. In general, cysts and nodules are painful.

The most common causes of acne include excessive skin oil (also known as sebum), pores clogged by oil and dead skin cells, infections, inflammation, menstruation, hormonal disorder, puberty, excessive sweat and an inadequate skin care routine.

According to Dr. Caren Campbell, a board-certified dermatologist, “the driving force behind most acne is androgen hormones (aka testosterone) which drives oil production. This is why acne starts at adolescence with puberty. The increased oil on the skin creates a hospitable environment for the acne-causing bacteria to overgrow.”

“Dead skin cells also clog the pore, and other skincare products we put on the skin that are comedogenic, and then oil, dead skin cells, product and acne bacteria are all in the pore. The body doesn’t like this collection of bacteria and sends inflammatory cells to the site, causing painful lesions – cystic acne,” Campbell says.

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Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is one of the most common types of skin cancer in the United States and many people die because of this disease each year. According to statistics, about four million cases are diagnosed each year. People who spend a lot of time in the sun are more likely to develop basal cell carcinoma (BCC). 

BCC can grow on your head, ears nose and neck and requires surgery or special medications. They look like pink growths or shiny bumps and can bleed sometimes. Nevertheless, BCCs look and manifest differently from person to person. 

And here are some helpful information about Skin Cancer Prevention: Ways to Reduce Your Risk and 7 Body Changes That Happen After Just One Sunburn.


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If you didn’t know this before, there is a fungal infection that can affect your feet and the worst thing is that anyone can develop it because it is contagious. To be more specific, the athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) is a fungal infection that can occur between your toes. People who have sweaty feet are more likely to develop this skin disease, as already mentioned, it is also contagious, which means that you can contract the bacteria via towels, shoes or floors.

If your feet are itchy and you have a sensation of burning or stinging between your toes, it may be a sign that you suffer from athlete’s foot. However, the best part is that this skin disorder can be treated with over the counter antifungal meds, but your doctor may prescribe the right treatment for you.


#skinproblems #skincare #skin #acne #skincaretips #skincareroutine #skincareproducts #healthyskin #beauty #skinproblem #acnetreatment #glowingskin #skinproducts #skinhealth #dermatologist #whitening #scars #skintreatment #love #eczema #blackhead #care #beautyproducts #antioxidants #babyskin #antiaging #dermatology #unevenskintone #baby #antioxidant

Rosacea is a chronic skin disorder that causes redness and prominent blood vessels in your face. Rosacea is often mistaken for acne. This skin condition is common in women over the age of thirty with light skin, but this is not a rule, because there are men that can be affected as well, but to a lesser extent.

Sadly, being a chronic disease, rosacea can’t be completely cured, but you can control it with the right treatment. Your dermatologist will prescribe you an appropriate treatment to reduce the symptoms.

The most common symptoms of rosacea include facial redness, swollen red bumps, eye problems (also known as ocular rosacea – dry, irritated, red eyes), and enlarged nose (this symptom is commonly found in men).

Researchers say that the causes of rosacea are still unknown, but they believe that it could be genetically inherited. Anyone can develop rosacea, but women who have light skin and have suffered from sunburn in the past, are over the age of thirty, smoke and have parents with rosacea are more likely to develop this skin condition in the long run.

That being said, it’s important to remember that this skin disorder isn’t life threatening, but it can be really uncomfortable. “It’s not dangerous, but it can be uncomfortable,” confirms Laura Ferris, MD, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and director of clinical trials for UPMC Department of Dermatology.

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Preparing for Disease X

December 3, 2024, the Ministry of Health of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) reported 406 cases and 31 fatalities from an "undiagnose...