Thursday, May 4, 2023

COVID-19 Virus Will Continue to Cause Mini-Waves, Unlikely to Settle Into Flu-Like Rhythm Anytime Soon: Experts


COVID-19 Virus Will Continue to Cause Mini-Waves, Unlikely to Settle Into Flu-Like Rhythm Anytime Soon: Experts

Even after three years into the pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind COVID-19, has not yet become seasonal. It will continue to cause mini-waves with mild infections, scientists contended in an article in the science journal Nature.

Scientists have long predicted that the COVID pandemic will end up in a seasonal spread pattern as influenza has. However, a series of mini waves fueled by newer variants like XBB.1.16 are "different from the slower, annual circulation patterns of influenza and cold-causing coronaviruses".

"It seems increasingly unlikely that SARS-CoV-2 will settle into a flu-like rhythm anytime soon," the scientists said.

"We haven't slowed down in the last year, and I don't see what factors would cause it to do so at this point," Trevor Bedford, an evolutionary biologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, Washington, was quoted as saying.

"It will be a continually circulating respiratory disease. It may be less seasonal than things we're used to," he added.

Bedford noted that some countries are seeing fresh surges in COVID about "three or four times each year, driven largely by the breakneck pace at which the virus continues to change."

Currently, SARS-CoV-2's spike protein, in which most immunity-evading mutations occur, is evolving at twice the rate of a similar protein in seasonal influenza and about ten times as quickly as those of cold-causing 'seasonal' coronaviruses.

This is seen in the case of India, where XBB.1.16 displaced other variants to become the dominant one. While it spread rather quickly than previous variants, leading to a surge in cases, it caused only mild infections.

"We see that it has almost replaced all other variants in India, and we think the same thing will be followed everywhere," Rajesh Karyakarte, a microbiologist at Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College in Pune, was quoted as saying.

Similarly, Bedford said there's a 100% annual 'attack rate' in the UK. In the future, "we can still imagine 50% attack rates every year, half the population getting infected", compared with around 20% with influenza.

According to Tom Wenseleers, an evolutionary biologist at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, the combination of rapid mutation and short-lived human immunity probably prevents COVID from settling into seasonal circulation patterns.

Although the World Health Organization (WHO) declared XBB.1.16 a 'variant of interest', whether it or another new variant will cause a spike in infections in a particular country will probably depend on the size and timing of the country's earlier waves, he added.

Yet, the increased infection waves are only mild, causing smaller ripples in hospitalisations and deaths. In a study posted to a preprint server and not yet peer-reviewed, Karyakarte and his team analysed more than 300 cases from last December to early this month.

They found that XBB.1.16 infections tend to cause mild symptoms similar to those from earlier Omicron variants, with few hospitalisations and deaths. "We didn't see much," Karyakarte said.

This "gives most people the hope that, in the coming years, the net toll of COVID will get comparable to influenza," Waasila Jassat, a public-health specialist at South Africa's National Institute for Communicable Diseases, was quoted as saying.

International Conference on Infectious Diseases
Abstract Submission Link:

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