Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Infectious diseases treatment with a latex containing milk producing plant

                          Infectious diseases treatment with a latex containing milk producing plant

LAHORE - Infectious Diseases and their treatment with a latex contain­ing plant Calotropisprocerais a latex (milk) producing plant with plenty of medicinally sig­nificant compounds. All of its parts including leaves, roots, and bark are famous for various human and animal ailments.It is locally known as Akk in Paki­stan while it is also called by dif­ferent names in other countries like dead sea apple, milkweed, sodom apple, swallow-wort and usher. The milk is produced by all parts of this plant and oozes out enormously on cutting any part. It is reported to be en­riched with a range of biologi­cally active phyto-constituents. Akk is famous for its use in folk medicines where its different parts are used as analgesic, an­tiulcer, anthelmintic, antitumor, antidiarrheal, antimicrobial, an­tioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflam­matory, and hepatoprotective activity. The motivation behind research on the milky part of this plantwas to find out scien­tific reasons for its famous ap­plication on skin against various diseases. We separated out the proteins that are the major com­ponent of its milk and checked it against different microorgan­isms. Protein fraction obtained showed very good results on invitro experiments. After find­ing its good antimicrobial ac­tivity we also checked whether the protein component is toxic or safe on our active doses by different experiments. Toxicity tests are very important and ev­ery medicine is therapeutically considerable if it has less toxic effects. In case of latex produc­ing plants toxicity tests are more important because the rubber component that is the major part of latex is very toxic itself. In our experiments we have also checked genetic toxicity, its mu­tation producing ability and its toxicity on cells by applying it on cell lines so that we can get idea how it would effect living body on exposure. In all our tests pro­teins obtained from milky psrt of Akk plant are safe on our test doses while on higher doses it was found somewhat toxic so it is our recommendation that la­tex should be used for treating diseases with cautions so that toxic effect could be subsided. The present study concluded that latex is a rich source of phar­macologically active proteins, so can be used in the future for dif­ferent ailments. Keeping in view rise in the resistance of currently available antibiotics, bioactive peptides were screened for their anti-microbial potential against microbes. According to previous researches laticifer proteins are soluble proteins in nature and have a lot of other pharmacologi­cal activities. While the toxico­logical part of our study revealed that these proteins are safer at lower therapeutic doses and can be used for the treatment of many infectious diseases.

International Conference on Infectious Diseases

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